Don't Text and Drive - Finance House
Don't Text and Drive
3rd September 2015

Road safety has been a topic consistently collaborated on pleading for the safety of commuters! Coupled with the advancement of technology, traffic dangers have been increasing at a faster rate intensifying the risk drivers and pedestrians alike are being exposed to.

With such, and in line with Finance House’s CSR initiatives to give back to the community, we are proud to announce the launch of our Don’t Text and Drive campaign.

Mobile phone usage and texting while driving has been at an all time high, keeping up with the latest network news between traffic light changes or on the road has become a norm, one that endangers the lives of the driver, passengers and pedestrians alike.

Take a look at our 30 second video portraying the results of texting and driving and join us in spreading awareness on driving safely, using the Dont Text and Drive! Don’t forget to also keep a look out on our social media channels for an upcoming competition that will reward those who have supported our efforts in spreading awareness about a campaign that promotes safe driving attributes to reduce car and rood accidents.

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