Finance House and BBI: Announcement of 50 scholarships - Finance House
Finance House and BBI: Announcement of 50 scholarships
25th January 2009

Abu Dhabi, January 25, 2009- Bosna Bank International in cooperation with Finance House, Abu Dhabi (UAE) announces granting 50 scholarships for students in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 2008-2009 academic year. All B&H regular students of last-year studies in all faculties across the nation can apply for the 35 available scholarships for the academic year 2008-2009, in addition to 15 scholarships offered to post graduates who are defending MA of PhD thesis in Islamic banking. Noting that four scholarships will be offered to students with special needs.

The amount of each scholarship for students of last year studies in all faculties is KM 13,500/month and for postgraduates KM 30,000/month. The scholarships will be paid in 10 monthly installments through accounts opened in BBI. Moreover, upon Finance House’s request, the students who are awarded with scholarships will be attending Arabic language courses, which will be financed by BBI as part of the scholarships’ scheme.

The Scholarship Committee shall be comprised of representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Federation of B&H, University of Sarajevo, BBI and Islamic Community of B&H. The Committee will review the complete applications received from students of last-year studies and postgraduates by February 3rd & January 27th, 2009 respectively.

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